ATXP1 jumper free over clock controller

Here I'm going to put all the information about this chip.

As for now there is a kernel module for it that can be downloaded via cvs using:
cvs login
cvs checkout atxp1

but it's fairly simple to get registers' functions from it.

This is a generic version of the module that allows to set VCore and gpio1,gpio2 registers. Recently I added watchdog support - setting the timer and enabling/disabling it. What's left is time unit setting (1s, 0.1s 10ms 1ms) - currently it defaults to 1 second.

There is also atxp1_epox.diff file that adds the possibility to set Vdimm and Vagp on EPOX mainboards (it can of course be run on any board that way but THERE IS NO SAFETY CHECK WHETHER THESE OPTIONS DO WHAT WE THINK THEY DO - and so it can damage your hardware if their function is different).

Type patch -p0 < atxp1_epox.diff to apply it.

If you have any other configurations of those registers send it and I'll create similar patches as for epox.