Dynamic Overclocking Project for Linux

ATXP1 chip description

On this page I'm going to place all the information about the nForce2 chipset and mainboards it's installed on I manage to gather. I'll also place any programs I write and try to update this page as fast as possible, but since now my exams are comming, I'll probably be out of time till july. Write me a mail if you're interested in the project (marcin_ml at sekretarka.no-ip.org).

1. The idea

The very basic idea of this project is to implement dynamic overclocking algorithm as a natural evolution of static overclocking. Under the term static overclocking I understand what I think most people mean by overclocking - that is: You enter the BIOS, set some FSB/multiplier, increase Vcore if needed to keep system stable, start 3Dmark/Q3 timedemo/whatever to check if the system is stable for a longer period of time and if it doesn't overheat. If its ok, you repeat everything until the temperature limit is reached. After that you happily run/use/play on your OC'ed PC.

An extention to this can be a program that switches FSB settings between powersaving/normal or normal/overclocked depending on system load. The situation is even better when you have a mobile CPU and can change multiplier and therefor frequency in smaller steps to keep system load around some given value like 80%, which is what powernowd does.

Known is the fact, that the colder CPU is, the faster it can run. Therefore I'll define a function f(T) saying at what maximal frequency the CPU can ran at given temperature without crashing (it naturally implies T(f) function saying what temperature can't be exceeded at given freq). For the sake of simplicity I'll make an assumption that this maximal frequency is independent of CPU Vcore, which implies:

As I'm writing this program to be NForce2 and my PC specific (at first at least)

So - getting to the point - by dynamic overclocking I mean:

Program funcionality description

This is what I'd like the program to be: